* * 有限的 2023 註冊可用。 * *
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Ekota Music Studio 根據情況和個人喜好提供面對面和遠程學習課程。
遠程課程通過 Zoom 平台進行,配備最高質量的互聯網數據連接、高分辨率攝像頭和錄音室質量的麥克風。 您的體驗還取決於您的互聯網連接和設備質量。_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
對於面授課程,Ekota Suzuki 鋼琴老師將很樂意滿足戴口罩的要求。我們寬敞的工作室區域也使用了 HEPA 空氣過濾器。

Class Information: A typical lesson takes place weekly at a pre-determined time and length, ie. 30/45/60 minutes. Registration for regular classes can be made at any time of the term which runs from September to June each year. If you are interested in taking classes please reach out for available times. You can then register, make payment arrangements and begin preparations for your first class.
Shinichi Suzuki, a Japanese native and the founder of the Suzuki Method, formed a movement that brought musical beauty to the hands and hearts of children World wide. His demonstrations filled concert halls and auditoriums, delighted audiences and inspired parents and teachers who once thought that you either had "it" or you didn't. Suzuki proved that everyone was inherently musical and could further develop their music skills and abilities provided they were in the right environment. This environment involved continuing the aural tradition of listening and imitating simple melodies along with the guidance of an experienced music teacher together with the teamwork and committed participation of at least one parent or guardian.

“愛之深,成就之大” S。鈴木
Ken 是加拿大音樂教師協會聯合會、艾伯塔省註冊音樂教師協會、美洲鈴木協會和皇家音樂學院的註冊教師。他也是埃德蒙頓麥克尤恩大學的校友,精通現代和傳統麥粒腫。 Ken 是一位多樂器演奏家,擁有超過 30 年的音樂經驗,包括針對所有年齡段和水平的音樂指導和指導,以及舞台和工作室的表演。